Criminal and Civil Law

Criminal & Civil Law

Defend Your Charges. Protect Your Rights

We give honest, frank advice and strategies to best defend your charges.

At Lardners We Are..

Easy to Talk To

Compassionate & Understanding

Good Advocates & Strategists

Supportive & Guiding

Talk to us....

Know how we fight for you

Things may have been summoned to appear in Court and there is not much time left or you are anxious about a potential court outcome, about legal costs or avoiding a criminal conviction against your record. Talk to us first.

Though we cannot guarantee any results in court , you will find us easy and comfortable to be with as we take a tough as nails approach to walking you through this difficult and very uncomfortable process for the best outcome for you.

Concerned over a Family Violence or Personal Safety Intervention Order?

Need to take an Order out against another person? Anxious and concerned because someone has breached an Order protecting you?

You will have our experienced solicitors on your side. And we will bring in excellent, experienced barristers at very reasonable costs to support you. You will not be short of expertise, advice, and the firepower needed to argue and advocate for the best outcome for you. 

Be Prudent - Call and have a friendly chat with us.


Get In Touch

Give us a call and have a friendly chat with one of us. We are here to help & guide.

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